The South Dakota Soil Health Coalition (SDSHC) proudly announces the hiring of Stan Wise as communications coordinator to assist in promoting soil health best management practices across the state. Wise’s duties include coordinating overall communications on behalf of SDSHC directors, staff and membership. Wise will work directly with Cindy Zenk, SDSHC coordinator, on projects including print, audio and video releases, social media campaigns and the Soil Health Conference, Jan. 6-7, 2021, in Pierre, SD. He will work closely with the Coalition’s key partners including the South Dakota Grassland Coalition, the South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.
“I look forward to working with producers and media to promote the excellent soil health improvement work happening on farms and ranches across South Dakota,” Wise said. “It’s an honor to play a role in helping our agricultural practices become more sustainable.”