When: March 15, Noon – 5 p.m.
Where: Sisseton, SD, Valley View Golf Club
South Dakota Grassland Coalition Presents another education opportunity to South Dakota Ranchers. Get info on other educational opportunities @ sdgrass.org. Bring your grazing concerns for discussion.
Our focus for these workshops is to help you work through any questions or challenges you might face with managed
grazing. During these workshops, we will also cover how improved grazing management changed the lives of other ranchers along with discussion on how to have healthier pastures.
FREE lunch at 12pm
Program runs from 1pm – 5pm
Registration is FREE to SDGC Members. Membership is $35 available at the door.
Questions: 605-685-3315 or the33ranch@gmail.com
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.