Creating Resilience with Holistic Management
June1-4, 2021, at Niobrara Lodge in Valentine, Neb.
The key to creating resiliency in any ranch operation is three fold: You must have the skills and knowledge to consistently create a true profit; you must be able manage livestock in a manner that regenerates healthy soils and plant communities; and you must empower a dynamic ranch team. This hands-on seminar will improve your skills in all three facets by introducing you to Holistic Management, a planning process designed to support ranchers and farmers in their everyday decision-making.
Learn how to:
• Develop a business plan based on the trinity of management
• More effectively harvest the grass in your pastures thru proper grazing management
• Control livestock with cost effective fencing, well designed water improvements, and low stress livestock handling
• Match livestock to their environment and capitalize on their natural attributes
• Reduce (stop) the overgrazing and improve the beneficial gardening they can do
• Plan for a profit in any livestock market
• Market your livestock and other products
• Empower a management team that is creative and flexible
• Create wildlife habitat and abundant feed through planned grazing
• Use Holistic Management® to make financially, ecologically, and socially sound decisions
What you will gain:
• Increased profitability
• Increased productivity from the land so you can sustain higher stocking rates of live-stock and other wildlife
• Decreased weeds, blowouts, brush–cedar encroachment, erosion and other land management problems
• Greater returns from investments in land and livestock
• Decrease the need for supplementation while simultaneously maintaining healthier herds
• Protect the land base, which is the biggest investment for most operations
• A management team that is on the same page when decisions are made.
About the instructor:
Roland Kroos, a Certified Educator with HMI will be teaching this seminar. Roland began his career working in the Nebraska sandhills back in 1978 for the NRCS. He was instrumental in bringing Allan Savory to Nebraska in the mid 80’s and helped many ranchers get started in practicing Holistic Management. Roland received his training and worked alongside Allan Savory for 8 years, the founder of Holistic Management®.
Roland’s enthusiasm and deep thinking will challenge your paradigms, yet help you develop confidence in holistic decision-making. Roland has hands on experience in ranch/farm management and will share real-life examples of Holistic Management in Action.
With weather cooperating, Roland plans to teach portions of this seminar outside. During this seminar, we hope to visit 1-2 ranches that are practicing holistic management. Details are still being worked out. Roland also plans to have several ranchers who have been practicing HM for more than 20 years share their experiences.
For Registration Information please contact:
Ty Walker
Sandhills Stewards coordinator
(308) 764-7082 (text or call)
Registration form link:
The Sandhills Task Force will be contributing half of the tuition cost for each attendee allowing for the reduced price of $350 per student, and only $100 for all additional attendees from the same business.
Registration Deadline: May 14, 2021
The seminar will run Tuesday through Friday. To allow local ranchers to tend to their livestock, this seminar will be taught from 10:00am to 5:00pm each day. Active involvement in all four days is essential to completely understand and practice the concepts. Once your registration is received, you will be sent details about the seminar and how best to prepare for it.