When: 9 a.m. MDT, Aug. 12, 2021
Where: 23502 Big Foote Rd, Quinn, SD. Directions from Wall: East 11 miles on Hyw. 14, Turn north on Big Foot Road for 1 mile then east 1 mile.
Pat & Mary Lou have been using the principles of holistic management for nearly 20 years. Using cattle as tools, they have seen remarkable changes in the health of the land.
Tour discussions topics:
• Long term impacts on the land, riparian restoration
• Drought resistance with regenerative grazing
• Management practices, pasture management tasks
• Decision making factors, identifying options for grazing
Registration: Free to all members of the South Dakota Grassland Coalition or $35 for non-members (this
includes a complementary one-year membership). To Join the SDGC please visit www.sdgrass.org. To sign up or for special accommodations contact Dan Rasmussen at (605) 685-3315.