The 84th Annual South Dakota Sheep Growers Convention and MIWW contest is fast approaching! The association has worked very hard putting together an interesting tour and information-packed day of formal meetings. This year our convention is in Pierre, September 24th and 25th, 2021. With all the changes and challenges facing the sheep industry, the association believes strongly that it was a great opportunity to shed some light on the future and optimism in the sheep industry. We will begin with a wonderful opportunity for new producers on Friday morning. With the help SDSU Extension, we will host a new producer workshop at the Beastrom Farm. The afternoon program will be all hands-on at the Beastrom Farm. Our reception will be at the Casey Tibbs Museum ( Saturday’s traditional convention program will share updates from ASI, ALB, and SDSU, along with several other notable updates. There will be plenty of time for networking and socializing with old friends and a great opportunity to make new ones.