Wildflowers and Grazing Lands
Managing grazing lands for wildflowers, pollinators, and wildlife.
Join us as we gather together and learn from experts on topics related to holistic management of grazing lands, a sustainable approach that cares for the land, promotes biodiversity, and benefits habitat and wildlife. The day will conclude with a tour of the 777 Bison Ranch.
This event is made possible through the partnership of Pheasants Forever, The Xerces Society, the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, and the 777 Bison Ranch.
Friday, June 10th, 2022 | 8:30am – 3:00pm MST
777 Bison Ranch located in SW South Dakota
(A meeting address will be sent to all registered participants.)
Schedule of Events:
8:30am | Arrivals and Check In
9:00am | Bird Watch Walk
10:00am | Pollinators on Rangelands
Rae Powers, Partner Biologist, The Xerces Society/NRCS
11:00am | Drought in South Dakota
Dr. Krista Elhert, Assistant Professor and SDSU Extension Range Specialist
11:30am | Producer Programs in South Dakota
Mandy Ensrud, Private Lands Wildlife Biologist, Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
12:00pm | Lunch
1:00pm | Bison Ranch and Grazing Lands Tour
Mimi Hillenbrand, Owner of 777 Bison Ranch
This is a free event and limited to the first 25 registered participants. Registration deadline is June 3rd, 2022.
Please dress appropriately for the weather and spending the day outdoors.
REGISTER at https://pfqf.myeventscenter.com/event/Wildflowers-And-Grazing-Lands-62897
For more information, contact:
Catherine Beall, Coordinating Wildlife Biologist (Monarchs and Pollinators), Pheasants Forever
(605) 464-4541 | cbeall@pheasantsforever.org