Hybrid Rye and Cover Crop
Plot Tours, Agronomy and Livestock Nutrition
Wednesday, June 22 ● 3-5 p.m.
Upland Colony ● 24211 412th Ave, Artesian, SD
We invite you to join farmers and industry experts alike to discuss hybrid rye production, feeding, and use of diverse cover crops to enhance soil health and profitability.
We will review everything from field management and agronomics to processing, markets, feeding swine and cattle and more!
Join in the discussion on diversifying your rotations with small grains like rye and how to get started with cover crops.
3 p.m. Hybrid Rye test plots tour with:
• Paul Gregor, KWS Hybrid Rye Agronomist
• Mae Petrehn, Dakota’s Best Seed Product Specialist
3:30 p.m. Panel Discussion of Feeding Livestock Hybrid Rye with:
• Dr. Carly Rundle, KWS Animal Feed Consultant
• Upland Colony Hog Managers
• Caitlyn Sullivan, SDSU Swine Nutrition Specialist
4 p.m. Cover Crop Benefits. Field Tour of 6 way cover crop mix interseeded into standing corn and farmer panel facilitated by:
• Sara Bauder, SDSU Extension
• Austin Carlson, South Dakota Soil Health Coalition
• Upland Colony Farm Managers
Please register at www.dakotasbestseedllc.com or call Mae at (605) 682-0006 or Dakota’s Best Seed at 605-337-3318.