Ranching for Profit Workshop with Dallas Mount
When: June 29, 2022 | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Where: Sturgis Auditorium/Armory, 1019 Main Street, Sturgis, SD
This one day workshop will explore how good grazing management is key to improving profit in the ranching business. Learn how to improve land and create a profitable business that can stay in the family for generations.
Cost: $20 | Pre-Registration Required
RSVP by June 23 to: Mandy Ensrud at the Sturgis USDA-NRCS Office, Phone: 605-347-4952 ex. 3012 Email: Amanda.ensrud@usda.gov
Register with cash (exact change only) or check (made out to Bird Conservancy of the Rockies). Pay in advance highly encouraged. Limited to 60 participants