Tour starts at 1:30 p.m. CDT on Oct. 6 at Jim Faulstich’s Daybreak Ranch north of Highmore, SD.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from producers and experts, ask questions, discuss strategies, and identify new soil health and rangeland management practices for your operation!
Participants will learn how:
• Plant diversity is linked to water infiltration.
• Cover crops can provide grazing and improve soil health.
• Management practices can increase plant diversity.
• Rangeland and soil health stategies can work for you.
Directions: From Highmore, take Hwy 47 north to 186th St., turn right and go 2 miles. Or, from Jct. of Hwy 47 and Hwy 26, go 6 miles south on Hwy 47, turn left and go 2 miles on 186th St.
This event is free to all 2020 members of the South Dakota Soil Health Coalition or South Dakota Grassland Coalition. Other attendees must pur-chase a $25/$30 membership to attend.
For special accommodations, please contact Cindy Zenk, South Dakota Soil Health Coalition Coordinator, at 605-280-4190.