Career Opportunities for Young Producers
The following opportunities are available for young producers interested in learning regenerative agriculture practices while working. Some of these opportunities could result in the chance to take over an existing operation.
Farming/Ranching – Wessington Springs, SD
Kolousek Farms of Wessington Springs, SD, is looking for an individual to help with their farming/ranching operation. We are a diversified operation running approximately 600-700 mother cows, some yearlings and farming 800 acres. This person would ideally be a graduate of a college/tech school with schooling in grassland management or something similar. This position would put the right person in a role to make decisions – and implement those decisions – for Kolousek Farms regarding pasture management/rotation and how to better improve and utilize our pastures. We are deeply involved in soil health and grassland health, trying to make the transition to regenerative practices on our land. There is an opportunity to run cattle of your own and someday possibly manage the operation. Modern ranch-style house, farm vehicle and half of a beef per year provided. Wages and terms to be negotiated. Position to start employment in early 2022.
Learn more at:
See videos at: and
To learn more, contact Scott Kolousek (605) 730-1509.
Farming/Ranching – Herrick, SD
Jim and Claire Williams of Herrick, SD, raise corn, soybeans, winter wheat, mixed hay, and move yearling steers on grass. They started cross-fencing the grass and adding water in 1994. They haven’t tilled since 2004 and started using cover crops a few years later. They try to use a diverse system to improve their soil health, and their long term goal for the farm is to find a like-minded young family to take over. To find out if this is the right opportunity for you, contact Jim Williams at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Farming/Ranching – Java, SD
Craig Rau of Java, SD, is looking for an individual to help with his farming/ranching operation. He uses no-till practices, follows small grains with cover crops, and uses cell grazing for cattle in his pastures. For the right individual, this is an opportunity to eventually run the operation. To learn more, contact Craig Rau at XXX-XXX-XXXX.

Registration Open for Two Soil Health Schools!
The 2025 West River Soil Health School will be held June 25-26 in Caputa, SD, and the 2025 Soil Health School will be held September 3-5 in Huron, SD. Each of these two schools will feature outstanding instructors consisting of industry professionals, researchers, and experienced producers. The days will be split between classroom discussions and field exercises designed to help you improve your land and your profit margins through regenerative agriculture practices. Visit our events page to learn more about these excellent learning opportunities!
News & Events
Awards, new board member announced at Soil Health Conference
PIERRE, SD – The Ninth Annual Soil Health Conference, Jan. 15-16 at the Ramkota Hotel and Event Center in Watertown, SD, saw approximately 500 attendees, including over a hundred students. The South Dakota Soil Health Coalition was thrilled to offer this opportunity...
Noted rancher, author to explain ‘sweet spot’ of grazing at conference
By Janelle Atyeo For South Dakota Soil Health Coalition PIERRE, SD – Tom Krawiec found the sweet spot for grazing quite by accident. The Canadian rancher sought out the point where grass in his pasture was both established enough to stay healthy and nutritious enough...
Study finds soybean yields resilient following late rye termination
By Janelle Atyeo For South Dakota Soil Health Coalition PIERRE, SD – A cover crop of quick growing cereal rye can keep the soil in place over winter’s brown and blowing days. Its long roots soak up excess spring rains, and its straw helps block weeds. The more...